Injector Dynamics 2600-XDS Injectors Top Feed Conversion Kit (Set of 4 – Import Image Racing
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Injector Dynamics 2600-XDS Injectors Top Feed Conversion Kit (Set of 4) Subaru STI 2004-2006

Injector Dynamics 2600-XDS Injectors Top Feed Conversion Kit (Set of 4) Subaru STI 2004-2006

SKU: idx2600.
Availability: 1 In Stock
Product Type: Fuel Injectors
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The ID2600-XDS was developed specifically for use with liquid fuels, featuring corrosion resistant internals, and long term compatibility with ethanol and methanol.

Part #: 2600.

The ID2600-XDS has the highest flow rate of any injector offered by Bosch, and flows 50% more than the ID1700x.

The ID2600-XDS benefits from Dual Slope Matching, a method of matching the flow rate in both the linear, and nonlinear operating range, providing better cylinder to cylinder consistency at low pulse widths.

Dual Slope Matching is a method of matching injectors that provides the best possible cylinder to cylinder fueling across the entire operating range.

Traditionally, injectors were matched based on static flow rate alone, which resulted in large deviations at low pulse widths.

Injector Dynamics introduced Slope Intercept Matching over a decade ago, which provided even cylinder to cylinder fueling across the linear operating range of the injector.

With the progression of turbo technology, and increased use of alcohol fuels, greater demands are placed on fuel injectors, and they are often required to deliver fuel well outside of their linear operating range.

The concept of Dual Slope Matching extends the injector matching into the lower non linear operating range. Dual Slope Matching was conceived by Aaron Looft of Injector Dynamics, who was inspired by the dual slope injector characterization model used by Ford.

Nominal Flow Rate – 2600cc/min @ 3.0 Bar (43.5 psi)
Maximum Differential Fuel Pressure – 9.0 Bar (130.5 psi) – Requires Minimum 11volt.
Fuel Compatibility – Compatible with Methanol/Ethanol/All Known Hydrocarbons. NOT Compatible with Ethers (MTBE, ETBE, TAME) or Nitro Methane
Electrical Connector – USCAR

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